How to Make a Video Game

How do you make a video game?

When I created Prolix, I didn’t know what I was doing. I had a basic understanding of web design, but I didn’t know JavaScript. What I wanted was a video game built on open web standards. Something where I could read the code and understand it and change the rules and make it my own.

This is that game.

If you’d like to play the game before reading about it, you can do that at It’ll run on most phone and desktop browsers.

Nine Holes is an old two-player game. It’s played on a 3 x 3 board and is reminiscent of tic-tac-toe. Players have three pieces each. They take turns putting them on the board, and the winner is first to get three in a row. Unlike tic-tac-toe, diagonals don’t count for a win, and pieces can be moved after they’re played.

So how do we make that into a video game? Well, let’s start with a board.

const Board = {};

When talking about board games, it’s useful to be able to describe the players and the moves they make in shorthand. Chess notation used numbers for ranks (rows) and letters for files (columns). So we can draw a 3 x 3 board like this:


We can reference any space on our board as a letter and number. So “a1” is the space in the lower left corner, and “c3” is the space in the upper right corner.

Since we used “a” and “b” as column labels, we’ll use X and Y for the players. In our game, players don’t start with pieces on the board. But in other games, like Checkers, they do. Let’s extend our board slightly so it has starting spaces for the pieces.


Every time we start a new game, that’s what we want the board to look like. So let’s give ourselves a way to create new game boards.

Board.create = () => {
  const files = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
  const ranks = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'];

  const layout = {};

  files.forEach((file) => {
    ranks.forEach((rank) => {
      layout[file + rank] = '';

  files.forEach((file) => {
    layout[`${file}1`] = 'x';
    layout[`${file}5`] = 'y';

  return {

The Board.create function returns everything we need to draw a picture of the game. The board shouldn’t care how it’s rendered. For all it knows, we could be playing this game on a terminal and drawing it with ASCII text.

Now that we can draw the board, we need a way to move pieces around it. If X starts by moving from a1 to c4, we can write that as “a1-c4”. If Y responds by moving b5 to a4, we can write that as “b5-a4”. We can keep both those moves in a list, ["a1-c4", "b5-a4"], and give ourselves a way to make them.

Board.clone = board => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(board));

Board.move = (board, moves) => {
  const copy = Board.clone(board);

  moves.forEach((move) => {
    const [start, end] = move.split('-');
    copy.layout[end] = copy.layout[start];
    copy.layout[start] = '';

  return copy;

The Board.move function uses JSON.stringify and JSON.parse to make a deep copy of a boad before updating it. This keeps the function pure. The same board and the same moves always give the same output. Pure functions are easier to debug than functions that mutate state, so we’ll try to write as many of them as we can.

We now have enough code to run a tiny test. We’ll create a new board, make two moves on it, and see how the board changes.

(function testImmutableBoard() {
  const starting = Board.create();
  const playing = Board.move(starting, ['a1-c4', 'b5-a4']);

  assert(starting['a1'] === 'x');
  assert(starting['c4'] === '');
  assert(starting['b5'] === 'y');
  assert(starting['a4'] === '');

  assert(playing['a1'] === '');
  assert(playing['c4'] === 'x');
  assert(playing['b5'] === '');
  assert(playing['a4'] === 'y');

Our board looks like it’s working, so let’s put it on the screen.

Canvas and WebGL are often used to render video games in the browser. But for a game like ours, where the action isn’t fast, HTML and CSS are quick enough.

We can draw our board using HTML <div> elements. Using <div>, instead of a more semantic element like <p>, means we avoid browser quirks with default CSS rules. Each space on the board will have its own <div> element. To make our board easy to reference and manipulate, we’ll give each <div> an id attributes of the file and rank for that board space.

<div class="board">
  <div id="a5"></div>
  <div id="b5"></div>
  <div id="c5"></div>
  <div id="a4"></div>
  <div id="b4"></div>
  <div id="c4"></div>
  <div id="a3"></div>
  <div id="b3"></div>
  <div id="c3"></div>
  <div id="a2"></div>
  <div id="b2"></div>
  <div id="c2"></div>
  <div id="a1"></div>
  <div id="b1"></div>
  <div id="c1"></div>

We can use CSS Grid to position the board spaces and CSS Flexbox to keep the content in them centered. A border around the board spaces makes them visible.

.board {
  display: inline-grid;
    ". . ."
    ". . ."
    ". . ."
    ". . ."
    ". . ."
  border-top: 1px solid gray;
  border-left: 1px solid gray;

.board > * {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  border-bottom: 1px solid gray;
  border-right: 1px solid gray;

With those rules in place, our board looks like this.

It’s tempting to use something like jQuery’s .html() function to update the HTML and place “x” and “y” text elements for the pieces.

(function testHtmlRendering() {

But that kind of direct manipulation couples the display of the pieces to the JavaScript code. Instead, we’ll use CSS classes to render “x” and “y” characters as pseudo elements. That way we can change the pieces later to look like squares and circles by changing the CSS.

.x:after {
  content: 'x';

.y:after {
  content: 'y';

Instead of .html() we can use jQuery’s .addClass() function to render pieces.

(function testCssRendering() {

The other thing we need to figure out is user feedback. We can set a picked class on board spaces when the user selects them, and change the background color to show they’ve been picked.

.picked {
  background: pink;

So how do we render a board with pieces on It?

The keys in our board.layout object match the id elements of our board HTML. And the values in our board.layout object match the classes we use for styling board spaces. So we can render a board by iterating through its layout.

const Renderer = {};

Renderer.render = (board, picked) => {
  const $ = window.jQuery;

  Object.keys(board.layout).forEach((id) => {
    const element = $(`#${id}`);


We use the removeClass function to clear any x, y, or picked classes that might have been previously set. That way the board renders cleanly each time. We also add the picked class to any picked element. It’s okay if there’s no picked element. An $('#undefined') call won’t find anything, so nothing gets picked.

To keep the rendered board up to date, we could use a loop and redraw it periodically. However, we only really need to redraw the board when something changes. So we’ll give ourselves a way to invalidate the rendering and trigger a redraw.

Renderer.invalidate = (board, picked) => {
  requestAnimationFrame(() => Renderer.render(board, picked));

Using requestAnimationFrame lets the browser queue all our style changes and apply them before the next repaint. With more time sensitive animations, this helps avoid flickering.

Let’s run the same test as before, but this time we’ll render the board.

(function testRenderer() {
  const starting = Board.create();

  const playing = Board.move(starting, ['a1-c4', 'b5-a4']);
  Renderer.invalidate(playing, 'b1');

Here’s what that looks like.

So what’s the next move?

X could play “b1-c4” and try to stack pieces on top of each other. That would be illegal, but the Board.move function doesn’t know the rules of the game. Just like how we don’t want the board to know or care how it’s displayed, we also don’t want it to know or care about rules. We’ll figure those out next.

Let’s write some rules.

const Rules = {};

You can move your own pieces.

Rules.pickable = (board, player) => {
  const spaces = Object.keys(board.layout);
  return spaces.filter(space => board.layout[space] === player);

You can move a piece to an empty non-starting space.

Rules.starting = (board) => {
  const spaces = Object.keys(board.layout);
  return spaces.filter(space => space.charAt(1) === '1' || space.charAt(1) === '5');

Rules.playable = (board) => {
  const spaces = Object.keys(board.layout);
  const empty = spaces.filter(space => !board.layout[space]);

  const starting = Rules.starting(board);
  return empty.filter(space => starting.indexOf(space) < 0);

So every combination of a piece you can pick up and a space you can play into, is an allowed move.

Rules.moves = (board, player) => {
  const pickable = Rules.pickable(board, player);
  const playable = Rules.playable(board);
  const moves = [];

  pickable.forEach((start) => {
    playable.forEach((end) => {

  return moves;

That’s enough to write a tiny test. Continuing the game above, X has three pieces, and there are seven empty spaces to play into. So that’s twenty-one allowed moves.

(function testMovementRules() {
  const starting = Board.create();
  const playing = Board.move(starting, ['a1-c4', 'b5-a4']);
  const moves = Rules.moves(playing, 'x');

  assert(moves.length === 21);

The game is over when either player wins by getting three of their pieces in a row. Diagonals don’t count though, and we don’t want to include pieces in starting spaces.

Rules.winner = (board) => {
  const files = board.files.slice();
  const ranks = board.ranks.slice(1, -1);

  let winner;

  ranks.forEach((rank) => {
    if (!winner) {
      const players = [];

      files.forEach((file) => {
        players.push(board.layout[file + rank]);

      if (new Set(players).size === 1 && players[0]) {
        [winner] = players;

  files.forEach((file) => {
    if (!winner) {
      const players = [];

      ranks.forEach((rank) => {
        players.push(board.layout[file + rank]);

      if (new Set(players).size === 1 && players[0]) {
        [winner] = players;

  return winner;

The decision to test for file wins first (vertical) instead of rank wins (horizontal) is totally arbitrary. The slice() function is used to get copies of the ranks and files from the board without changing it.

We’ll write a test to cover all four cases:

  1. Starting space don’t count.
  2. Three in a row horizontally wins.
  3. Three in a row vertically wins.
  4. Three in a row diagonally doesn’t count.
(function testWinnerRules() {
  const starting = Board.create();
  assert(Rules.winner(starting) === undefined);

  const horizontal = Board.move(starting, ['a1-a2', 'b1-b2', 'c1-c2']);
  assert(Rules.winner(horizontal) === 'x');

  const vertical = Board.move(starting, ['a5-a4', 'b5-a3', 'c5-a2']);
  assert(Rules.winner(vertical) === 'y');

  const diagonal = Board.move(starting, ['a1-a2', 'b1-b3', 'c1-c4']);
  assert(Rules.winner(diagonal) === undefined);

There are other edge cases we could cover, like three in a row vertically where one of the pieces is in a starting space. But the goal here isn’t exhaustive test coverage. Often the best way to test a game is to start playing it. To do that, we’ll need an oppontent.

Let’s write an AI.

const AI = {};

Our AI can use the rules to find all the winning moves available to it.

AI.winning = (board, player) => {
  const moves = Rules.moves(board, player);
  return moves.filter((move) => {
    const test = Board.move(board, [move]);
    return Rules.winner(test) === player;

Our AI can also use the rules to find all the blocking moves available to it. Assume it’s the other player’s turn. What move would they make to win? If the AI can find a move it can make that puts its piece in the same space, that’s a blocking move.

AI.opponent = player => (player === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x');

AI.blocking = (board, player) => {
  const opponent = AI.opponent(player);
  const winning = AI.winning(board, opponent).map(move => move.slice(3));
  const blocking = Rules.moves(board, player);
  return blocking.filter(move => winning.indexOf(move.slice(3)) > -1);

Our AI wants to get all its pieces on the board. So it can use the rules to find moves that originate from a starting space.

AI.starting = (board, player) => {
  const moves = Rules.moves(board, player);
  const starting = Rules.starting(board);
  return moves.filter(move => starting.indexOf(move.slice(0, 2)) > 0);

Our AI is simple. It plays a winning move if it sees one. Otherwise it plays a blocking move. If it doesn’t see any winning or blocking moves, it plays a legal move. It prefers to play starting moves first.

AI.moves = (board, player) => {
  const winning = AI.winning(board, player);
  if (winning.length > 0) {
    return winning;

  const blocking = AI.blocking(board, player);
  if (blocking.length > 0) {
    return blocking;

  const starting = AI.starting(board, player);
  if (starting.length > 0) {
    return starting;

  return Rules.moves(board, player);

AI.move = (board, player) => {
  const moves = AI.moves(board, player);
  const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * moves.length);
  return moves[index];

Because our AI is stateless, and all its functions take a player argument, it can play our game against itself.

(function testAI() {
  let board = Board.create();
  let winner;

  while (!winner) {
    const xmove = AI.move(board, 'x');
    board = Board.move(board, [xmove]);
    console.log(`x plays ${xmove} resulting in`, JSON.stringify(board.layout));

    const ymove = AI.move(board, 'y');
    board = Board.move(board, [ymove]);
    console.log(`y plays ${ymove} resulting in`, JSON.stringify(board.layout));

    winner = Rules.winner(board);

  console.log(`${winner} wins!`);

It looks like our AI works, but we won’t really know until we play a game against it. Let’s combine our board, rules, and AI into something that can drive our renderer.

Let’s write a game engine.

const Engine = {};

A fixed unit of time in video games is often called a tick. With every tick the game state changes, and the board needs to be rendered. For our game, a move by the player and response from the AI is a tick.

Engine.tick = (board, player, start, end) => {
  if (Rules.winner(board)) {
    return [Board.clone(board), undefined];

  let move = `${start}-${end}`;
  if (Rules.moves(board, player).indexOf(move) > -1) {
    let next = Board.move(board, [move]);

    if (Rules.winner(next) !== player) {
      move = AI.move(next, AI.opponent(player));
      next = Board.move(next, [move]);

    return [next, undefined];

  const pickable = Rules.pickable(board, player);
  const picked = [end, start].filter(space => pickable.indexOf(space) > -1);
  return [Board.clone(board), ...picked];

The Engine.tick function takes a board, a player, and a move. It returns a board and a picked piece. That response matches the input to the Renderer.render function, so we can draw the board with every tick.

If either the player or AI has won, we return the board unchanged with nothing picked.

If the player is allowed to make their move, they take it. If the player didn’t make a winning move, the AI gets a turn. Either way, we return the updated board with nothing picked.

If the player tried to make an illegal move, we return the board unchanged. But we also need to figure out what space to leave picked. We know the player picked start and then picked end, so we return the last valid space they chose. This lets the player pick a piece and then change their mind and pick a different piece.

Let’s write a test to check illegal moves.

(function testIllegalMoves() {
  const board = Board.create();
  const empty = 'a2';
  const ai = 'a5';
  const player1 = 'a1';
  const player2 = 'b1';

  assert(Engine.tick(board, 'x', ai, empty)[1] === undefined);
  assert(Engine.tick(board, 'x', ai, ai)[1] === undefined);
  assert(Engine.tick(board, 'x', ai, player1)[1] === player1);

  assert(Engine.tick(board, 'x', empty, empty)[1] === undefined);
  assert(Engine.tick(board, 'x', empty, ai)[1] === undefined);
  assert(Engine.tick(board, 'x', empty, player1)[1] === player1);

  // `player1` to `empty` is a valid move, so we don't need to test it.
  assert(Engine.tick(board, 'x', player1, ai)[1] === player1);
  assert(Engine.tick(board, 'x', player1, player2)[1] === player2);

Because our engine is stateless, we can use the AI to play our game against the engine. With each tick, the board updates with moves from both players.

(function testEngine() {
  let board = Board.create();
  let winner;

  while (!winner) {
    const xmove = AI.move(board, 'x');
    [board] = Engine.tick(board, 'x', ...xmove.split('-'));
    console.log(`x plays ${xmove} resulting in`, JSON.stringify(board.layout));

    winner = Rules.winner(board);

  console.log(`${winner} wins!`);

It looks like our engine works. Let’s wire it up to our renderer so we can play against the AI.

Let’s write a game.

(function game() {

Our game keeps track of three things. There’s a board for the game state, an input list of spaces on the board the player has selected, and a picked space that tracks the currently selected space.

  let board = Board.create();
  let input = [];
  let picked;

When the player selects a space we add the picked class to it, add the selected space to the input list, tick the game engine, and render the board. If this was a real time video game, we’d run that same loop (respond to player input, tick the game engine, render the world) forever. Since this is a turn based game, we only need to run it when the player does something.

  function onBoard(element) {

  function offBoard(element) {
    [board, picked] = Engine.tick(board, 'x', ...input);
    input = picked ? [picked] : [];
    Renderer.invalidate(board, picked);

We also include a reset button that clears everything out and starts the game over.

  function reset() {
    board = Board.create();
    input = [];
    picked = undefined;

  function onReset(element) {

  function offReset(element) {
    Renderer.invalidate(board, picked);

Finally, we wire up click handlers for the board spaces and the reset button. Then we initialize the game and render the starting board.

  function play() {
    const $ = window.jQuery;

    $('#reset').click(onReset, offReset);
    Object.keys(board.layout).forEach(id => $(`#${id}`).click(onBoard, offBoard));

    Renderer.invalidate(board, picked);

  window.onload = play;

Because our game has state, it’s not just pure functions any more, we’re using an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) to avoid exposing that state to the outside world.


And that’s how you make a video game.

You can find all the source code for Nine Holes on GitHub under a MIT license. Please take it, and change it, and make it your own. The world needs more video games.

Appendix: A Tiny jQuery Clone

I’ve written a lot of video games for js13kGames, a video game competition that doesn’t allow external libraries. So this is a tiny jQuery clone that does just enough to make Nine Holes work.

(function $() {
  function Fn(selector) {
    if (selector instanceof Fn) {
      return selector;

    this.element = selector;

    if (typeof selector === 'string') {
      if (selector.indexOf('#') === 0) {
        this.element = document.getElementById(selector.slice(1));

    return this;

  Fn.prototype.addClass = function addClass(klass) {
    if (this.element && this.element.classList && klass) {

    return this;

  Fn.prototype.removeClass = function removeClass(klass) {
    if (this.element && this.element.classList) {

    return this;
  }; = function click(start, end) {
    const self = this;

    if (this.element) {
      if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement === false) {
        this.element.onmousedown = function onmousedown(mouseDownEvent) {
          if (start) {
            start(self, mouseDownEvent);
          document.onmousemove = function onmousemove(e) {
          document.onmouseup = function onmouseup(e) {
            if (end) {
              end(self, e);
            document.onmousemove = undefined;
            document.onmouseup = undefined;
      } else {
        this.element.ontouchstart = function ontouchstart(touchStartEvent) {
          if (start) {
            start(self, touchStartEvent);
          document.ontouchmove = function ontouchmove(e) {
          document.ontouchend = function ontouchend(e) {
            if (end) {
              end(self, e);
            document.ontouchmove = undefined;
            document.ontouchend = undefined;

    return this;

  Fn.prototype.unwrap = function unwrap() {
    return this.element;

  function root(selector) {
    return new Fn(selector);

  window.jQuery = root;

Design & dev by Frank Mitchell. Styled with Docco. CC BY 4.0
